Your health

If you have health worries, you should contact your doctor. In these pages you will find other sources of information and support that may be of help to you or which might be of use when discussing your situation with your GP.


Ours is a sociable business where there is the potential for work-related drinking, but some creatives find themselves using alcohol to fend off stress and anxiety

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Anxiety and panic attacks

Worries, fears and anxieties are familiar to us all and most of the time they are reasonable responses to the situation we are in. Anxiety becomes a problem only when it is exaggerated or appears out of context.

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Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression)

Going through bipolar mood states can be extremely difficult to cope with but support is available.

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The phrases complementary therapy and alternative medicine are often used as if they mean the same thing; they may also be combined into one phrase – complementary and alternative medicine (CAMs). However, there is an important difference between the two.

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Covid19 – Coronavirus

At this worrying time many of us are experiencing stress or anxiety so we have brought together some resources that may help.

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Clinical Depression is an illness that may be mild, moderate or severe but it is more than simply feeling in low spirits. It can last a long time and affect work, relationships and daily life.

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The side-effects of drugs can be extremely dangerous and unpredictable and drug abuse can damage careers.

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Dyslexia is a common, life-long learning difficulty which can cause problems with reading, writing, short-term memory, organising and sequencing. It is thought that up to one in every ten people in the UK has some degree of dyslexia.

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Dyspraxia, also known as Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), is a condition that affects muscle coordination and perception (this can include balance, vision, memory, hearing and the awareness of where your limbs are in space).

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Although we all need to eat, our survey showed that food can present challenges to members of our community.

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Physical activity is important for everyone, but creative people in particular need to maintain good levels of fitness.

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Obsessive compulsive behaviour/disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition where a person has obsessive thoughts and compulsive activity.

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Self-esteem is an aspect of the way we view ourselves, the overall opinion we have of ourselves and the value we place on ourselves as people.

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In order to live well we all need regular and efficient sleep, but in our business this is not always easy to achieve.

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Talking therapies

Talking therapies or talking treatments include counselling and psychotherapy.

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