
Dyslexia is a common, life-long learning difficulty which can cause problems with some abilities such as reading, writing, short-term memory, organising and sequencing.

It is thought that up to one in every ten people in the UK has some degree of dyslexia.  However, some drama schools say that up to 30% of their students are dyslexic.

For performers, dyslexia presents extra challenges such as reading scripts, text and music, sight reading, learning lines, filming scenes out of sequence and more. However, it is also true that some dyslexics have highly developed creative and oral skills, intuitive understanding and visual strengths. There are many successful actors and arts practitioners who have publicly talked about their dyslexia and see it is an important part of their creativity.

Dyslexia is recognised within the Equality Act 2010. This means that employers and educational institutions should ensure that dyslexic people are not treated unfavourably and are offered reasonable adjustments or support.

“The advantage is that my brain sees and puts information in my head differently, more interestingly than if I saw like everyone else”

Whoopi Goldberg