Author: Louise Grainger

Gardening For Your Mental Health.

Zoella is the creation of vlogger and Youtube sensation, Zoe Sugg. Here is an article about the benefit of gardening to mental well-being from the Team Zoella blog.

What’s Blocking You?

Just before lockdown, Equity and ArtMinds worked with the Young Vic on this YV:IDemystify session on Resilience. The video is now available online

Nadiya Hussain : anxiety during lockdown

The baker and author spoke to the BBC about her anxiety and how it is important to ‘be kind to ourselves’.


If you are feeling anxious or worried about the virus here are some sources of advice from: Mind (Coronavirus and your wellbeing) Anxiety UK (Health and Other Forms of Anxiety and Coronavirus)

Daniel Radcliffe talks about coping with fame

The actor was 11 when he won the title role in the Potter film series and recently talked about his family helping him keep a sense of “perspective”. Yet he said he could understand why other child actors have had substance issues in the years following their youthful stardom.

Leicester Comedy Festival – mental health and well-being toolkit.

For 2020, Leicester Comedy Festival is having a specific focus on mental health and well-being including ways in which those performing and attending the festival can look after each other across the 19 days. They have produced this toolkit.